Last week was the birthday of my husband, but for the awards "Prince of Asturias, was busy and we could not conclude until Sunday.
cake I wanted to make a new, original and convincing.
As we all love chocolate, this recipe I decided, after much hesitation.
Do not believe that Coca Cola did not surprise me, but after reading much I thought that if all that were tested were thrilled, we were not going to be less.
the recipe i got from -recipes, it is not difficult to prepare, the only thing is that the baking, to cool, the icing ... takes time. It is also better prepare it a day ahead so that it enhances the flavor and consistency is adequate.
Now I'll put the recipe if you want to read the full blog entry Harry Haller.
- 250 gr.
rising flour - pinch of salt
- 1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
- 3 generous tablespoons of cocoa
- 300 gr.
powdered sugar - 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 250 gr.
butter - 175 ml.
Coca cola 250 ml.
whole milk topping ingredients:
- 400 gr.
powdered sugar - 200 gr. butter
- 4 tablespoons Coca cola
- 4 tablespoons cocoa powder
Preheat oven to 180 º C and grease and flour a cast of 23 or 24 cm (I used a springform pan and I put baking paper in the background) .
Sift the flour into a large bowl, add baking soda, cocoa, a pinch of salt and sugar glass.Mezclar well, beat the eggs and vanilla and add to mixture.
In a saucepan melt the butter without allowing it to boil, add the cola and stir well, pour the milk and remove from heat.
Add liquids to flour mixture while stirring, mix well until no lumps (it is quite easy and can be crafted perfectly), the dough is smooth.
Pour in pan and bake at 180 º C for about 40-60 min. (In my oven was 60), until a toothpick inserted not attach any piece of cake. The last minutes of cooking can be done at lower temperature without problems.) Open
the oven and let cool in a few minutes (I left it 20 min.)
Sift sugar into a bowl.
Melt butter over low heat, add the Coca cola and cocoa, stirring, let it dissolve and then add the azúcar.Batir to form a paste. Cover the cake
immediately from the center toward the edges (I did in the same mold). Cool and put in the fridge to finish hardening.
To unmold carefully pass the knife to separate mold coverage without breaking.
Harry advised it from one day to another, and I did so. The result is spectacular, wonderful. Try it and you will you tell me!
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